
The Researcher Toolkit catalogs on and off-campus resources available for each phase of a research project, from planning a research project to publishing your work. The resources are categorized according to the research data lifecycle. It’s important to remember that phases often happen concurrently and may not happen in the same order as they are presented—each research project is different.

To prevent content from becoming outdated, this site directly links to resources for the latest information on services or best practices. You may also have access to resources in your local department, which aren’t listed in this toolkit.

Please suggest useful resources, topics, or software packages to help us stay current.

See Also

The Acronyms page defines the acronyms that are found throughout the site. It has been developed to make understanding the site easier.

Looking for similar resources for teaching? See DoIT’s Teaching and Learning Resources, which includes tools for instruction, communication, and evaluation. Also see UW-Madison Information Technology’s Get started with tech.


The Researcher Toolkit is a joint project between WID, the Data Science Hub, the American Family Insurance Data Science Institute, the UW-Madison Libraries, and DoIT. The Researcher Toolkit was formerly the Research Project Resource Guide (RPRG).